Daytona Beach Computer Repair
Sometimes we ask ourselves what did I do to make my computer run so slow? And the answer is not always that simple. It could have been an email attachment you downloaded or a website that had malicious code embedded within it. Sometimes the best way to handle these issues are to prevent them from happening to begin with.
By using the following tips we hope you notice an improvement on your system.
Having an updated web browser is key to making sure your computer does not become vulnerable to old viruses. We recommend using a browser like Internet Explorer 9, or Google Chrome. Both of these browsers utilize the latest in web standards, and are very secure. Our favorite is Chrome, and we strongly recommend you start using it too!
Whether you have a Mac or PC, updates are always going to be there. Updates are not there to be a pain, rather they are there to help you. When your system asks you to install an update — let it. Updates can prevent you from having to repair your computer, which is something that takes much longer than a simple update.
Uninstall programs that are of no use to you. By eliminating unneeded programs, you free up space, memory, and improve the speed of your computer. Your computer could be running slow because of all of the programs you have installed, especially if many of them are required to start-up when Windows starts. If you have a problem uninstalling a program, you might have other serious issues.
Don’t Do It
No matter how tempting it seems, don’t install programs that seems “shady”. This includes smiley face applications, emoticons, and whatever else that appears to be “friendly”. Programs like these carry nasty trojans, viruses, worms, and a slew of other problems that you don’t want to be a part of. If you want your computer to run faster, definitely don’t install programs like these.
Let Us Take A Look
If you get stumped and your computer is still running poorly — give us a call at 386-248-0000. Our staff is specially trained to deal with all types of computer problems, and we repair computers on the hardware and software level. Sometimes you can do more damage than good if you’ve got more than one major problem. We have proprietary tools that will diagnose which bug you have. After the diagnoses we can determine exactly what needs to be done in order to repair your computer. Our goal is to repair your computer the best and safest way. Our prices severely beat the Geek Squad, and we go that extra distance to make sure you tell others.