Why It Is Important To Have Fresh Quality Content
The main reason most people get online is to find information and to search for content. Whether it is a video, article, product review, product description, or news. As a business you want to draw people into your website and keep them there as long as possible. The longer a visitor spends on your website the more interested they will become, and the more likely they will be to pull out the credit card to make a purchase. In this article we will examine exactly why fresh, quality content is so important. You will also learn some helpful tips for when you are creating content for your website.
The Importance Of Fresh Quality Content
As you learned earlier the longer someone spends on your website the more likely they will be to make a purchase or sign up for an offer. Providing content that is informative, funny, or even controversial can be a great way to build and maintain interest in people visiting your website. It is also good for search engine optimization to have quality content, and to update it regularly. Search engines will crawl your site every so often to make sure your content is being updated. The more you update your website the better it looks to search engines.
Another important thing to remember is people love sharing content that catches their attention. By adding the ability to share your content on popular social media websites you add a viral effect to your content. Plus search engines will reward you when they see your content being shared.
Using Video As Content
There are many strategies that can be used when creating content that will dramatically improve your business online. One of those strategies is using video. Video has become an important part of the internet and can be a great way to get your message across. You can visit sites like Fiverr.com to find someone who can create an interesting and eye-catching video for you. You can find someone to write a script if you are not a good writer. You can find someone to do a professional voice over for you. Finally you can find someone to create an animated video for you. You can also record a video yourself and download a free video editor to add transitions, text, and music to spice it up. Video is guaranteed to catch and hold someone’s attention better than text.
Making Your Content Social
People love sharing stuff online. Whether it is a picture, video, a brand new product, or an interesting article. This is why social media sites have become so popular. On top of that, a person is more likely to take an interest in something that is suggested to them by a friend or family member. That is why it is very important to make it easy for people to share your content. You do this by adding social media buttons on your website. The easier you make it for them to share your content the more likely they will be to share it.
Structuring Your Content For Maximum Effectiveness
There are several key things you can do with your content that will help you draw prospects in and convert them to buyers. First you need to recognize and address a specific need or problem that may be affecting your prospect. You then must assure them you have a clear and simple solution to their problem. You then present them with the solution.
When creating your content it is important to be positive and upbeat in your message. People in general have a negative outlook on life and will be quick to judge your content harshly. Add words and phrases that create an over all positive vibe for your content.
Last but not least it is extremely important to add a call-to-action. This is where you simply instruct the prospect on what to do after viewing your content. You can instruct them to go ahead and make a purchase or fill out a form. You should also try to add a sense of urgency. Inform them they should take action now and not hesitate.
So there you have it. We covered why it is important to have high quality, informative content, and to update it regularly. We also covered some great tips you can use when creating new content. Creating quality content that your visitors will love does not have to be difficult. Simply put yourself in their shoes.